"The Corn Meal Cou-Cou with Snapper and Corn Meal Cou-Cou with King Fish meals were delicious as usual. I wanted steamed King Fish, but I was given fry. Im trying to stay away from fried foods. In the notes, I stated to cancel my order if they didnt have steamed, but they made a substitute to fry. Whomever is the new person filling the orders, they dont seem to be reading the notes and following instructions. I dont know if Ill be ordering from here again, as its the 3rd time that Ive had an issue with this restaurant. Im trying to support my people, but I dont want to be disappointed or waste my money. All in all the cou cou and fish meals are the best food at this restaurant thus far. I didnt care for the Cassava Pone. It wasnt to my taste. Something was off about it."