Phone: +494161721366
Address: Lüneburger Schanze 1, Buxtehude, Germany, 21614
City: Buxtehude
Dishes: 10
Reviews: 934
"If you are smart about the Mariso restaurant, you will find an average rating of 4.2 stars on the most popular rating portals. The review of this editorial review is based on 604 reviews. On Google, this company is rated with 4.4 stars, with a total number of 516 reviews. The reviews on Tripadvisor where the results are available are as follows: 4 out of 5 points for the kitchen 3.5 out of 5 points for quality 3.5 out of 5 points for service 4 points of 5 for Setup 4 points of 5 for average rating Google and Tripadvisor used joint evaluation sports for evaluation. The viewing period was early 2021."
All prices are estimates.