"We arrived late yesterday evening, just as a rainstorm was beginning! Naturally the staff we busy collecting the money before everyone disappeared, we asked if we could go in. Yes, so we decided to sit outside and have a smoke underneath the overhang, so we sat down to smoke. Suddenly a waiter attacked us as if we were criminals. We explained calmly that we were smoking a cigarette and then coming in. This didn't appear to interest him, we could sit down on one of the banks outside the Restaurant area and smoke there, the fact that it was raining heavily didn't worry him, apart from that he told us that he had already driven 20 people away that evening who were using their seats. I imagine that this was earlier as the weather was good and understandable. I asked him for his name, and he burbled something like Abel?? And immediately asked ME for my name!! In the 80s I was the general manager for a restaurant chain with over 200 employees, so I claim to know something about complaint management our request for management was answered with a no one is here, I am the shift responsible manager. But be sure that my friend and I will spread the good word and let everyone know that there are alternative at Phoenix See."