"Weaver Street Market is the best!. I wish every city had a Weaver Street Market. It is on the top of my list of favorite places in Chapel Hill (even if it is in Carrboro). It is a great meeting place for the community (and WSM facilitates hundreds of events every year), they have great food, and they embody all the advanced qualities that you would imagine would have a co-op in a college city. I highly recommend buying a share and connecting the co-op; it costs nothing at the end, as you can get a full refund at any time for any reason. Your money spent at WSM is much more probable to stay in the community because WSM makes concentrated efforts to use local suppliers. The Wifi makes it a great place to learn, and the great space makes it a great place to catch with friends or take your pet. The staff is very friendly, which can be partly because they are estimated to be members of a co-op paying a living wage rather than an expendable worker in view of the federal minimum wage."