"Don’t forget to check every single item in your bag. Had to turn around twice because god forbid anyone checks the bag before handing it off. They forgot the extra sauce I paid for, the drinks and the biscuits and had the nerve to act rude when I politely went back TWICE with receipt to get my items. Not to mention $50 for two meals (without drinks), 2 kids meals and an order of fried pickles. Crazy. I would not have left this review had it not been for the attitude from young man at drive thru. I was genuinely kind after dealing with two screaming toddlers waiting for their kids meals, as if it wasn’t his incompetent self who forgot my stuff in the first place. Get a job in distribution and not customer service if you’re going to not even SPEAK or LOOK AT THE CUSTOMER when handing the food YOU forgot. Yes I had time today."