"I'm not sure how someone here in the nightcrew still has a job. They would rather wait 20 minutes before they take their order. they don't even welcome you. they only literally let autos sit there in silence until they are so frustrated that they are withdrawing. absolutely unacceptable and they cannot blame it for being short-size. 8/8 there was a car in the line when we raised. around 10:00 a.m. and there were clearly three employees running around. finally the car moved from frustrated before me. So I went to the editor and I wait, and I wait, and I wait, and then I wait a little more, and then I scream the car behind me, did they tell you something else? then she pulls off. I'll wait a few more, I'll wait a few more, and then I think we'll go to another. Why do they even have a job if they don't? they should really be fired all."