"bbq: good fried food: hard pass customer service: müll first time visit: no customers cash in register. I went up and waited, already decided what I wanted, because I previously saw from her Yelp menu, so I was ready to order. cashier pulled her feet when they approached the counter. has not brought me into eye contact, no greetings, but she has missed me and asked me loudly on a dude in the customer ten ft. behind me, if he wanted more BBQ sauce and other needs, he replied no to all. she then ignored me when I stood before her and asked again loudly a young girl this time, which still looked at the menu btw when I approached the register when she was ready to order while her karen mother looked at us that the cash first served her daughter. I told the young girl, go on without asking the cash. I ordered it. total came over sixty, almost seventy dollars. her whole job changed, got a little nicer. I have paid. type: 0)"