"I 'm something of a pizza scientist myself. -Willem Dafoe, Spiderman (2002) I am a pizza scientist. I have obsessed over flour hydration ratios; I have sought out the finest fresh mozzarella; I have crushed San Marzano tomatoes with my bare hands. I know what I like and I know which flaws can ruin a pie. I am rarely compelled to write a review because it takes a lot of time and I am super pretentious. This pizza deserves it. Randazzo 's has become my go-to pizza parlor. I used to like Giuseppe 's, but the cheese always slid off and the grease is too much. I tried Taormina 's and ended up with a bone on my slice. Randazzo 's has the best flavor and best crust I have sampled. This is how I imagined the pizza in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles tasted, or what I think the elitist New York style slices should taste like. I really think Randazzo 's is *that* good. Mileage may vary! But I 'll be damned if they didn 't earn the tip I left today. Excellent and wonderful food."