Chickenjoy Bucket Treat C


2800 E Germann Rd, Chandler, United States

Lunch • Chicken • Catering • Chicken

"Ordered a bucket of 10 pieces fried chicken to-go and as a matter of fact, it's the best fried chicken I've ever had in the valley. Not afraid to throw out names Popeyes and KFC step aside to the cornor please. Like have you tasted fried chicken that's still crispy two days after you reheated it? This is it! Have you tasted fried chicken that's never too dry and always juicy? This is it! Like I'm not even Filipino or the owner of the restaurant but I would promote the sh*t out of this place just for how tasty their fried chicken is. No lies bruh. And the gravy Mmmm I never had the experience of getting any gravy like this to serve the fried chicken with and it's just about right hons. It really is.I see comments about this place like it's really dirty inside...I was sitting there for about 5 minutes while waiting and to me that's pretty McDonald's standard. I dunno, maybe I walked in on a day when they cleaned? But just for that experience and the food it's a hard 5-stars, speaking of fried chicken standard since the rest out there is almost pure garbage. Oops, too harsh maybe...)So listen to me, get their fries and chicken, try out a few pieces better go with spicy) and just wait till it hit you. Like it really is that delicious! 我在香港也尝过这个菲律宾的炸鸡店,很欣喜他们在凤凰城这一带也有一家虽然也仅此一家了。很喜欢他们的特别的酱汤搭配,和别的炸鸡店给的酱料都不一样。炸鸡最重要就是味道和口感,讲究一个皮脆多汁,相比之下,别的美国连锁炸鸡店真的一个都不能打。我吃这边的肯德基全都是因为想家那边的食物了,吃点吮指原味鸡能有点家的味道,不然这边的肯德基就是很不行,又贵又不好吃。另一家像佰百鸡 就是Popeyes)炸鸡虽然还行,但不知道为什么就是特别特别油腻,好像油都灌进鸡里面的那种感觉,我吃过不下一百次的感觉啊。所以在有的选的情况下,炸鸡连锁店里肯定首选快乐蜂没有问题!薯条也很脆口感很好,炸鸡我在冰箱放了两天扔微波炉里都还是脆的就很离谱!五星好评!"