"销售简直就是诈骗,那个韩国人戴眼镜的,根本没有跟我们说申请会员还要每年自动扣费订酒,什么情况?凭什么自动扣费,又凭什么随意给我们订酒?什么都没跟我们说就扣钱了?也不问问我们要什么酒?打电话也不接就一直录音,发邮件要等到什么时候?注册的时候什么都不讲那就是诈骗 This place is a scam, I don't care about any other explains, just that sales person didn't aware me anything about 4 shipments every year for the membership. My card was charged for the wines that I don't want anymore without my confirmation. My card number was record under account which is super unsafe that they can charge whatever they want, also they never answer your phone, don't call those numbers on their website, no one replys even your voicemail , they only accept email reply and it's slow as hell."