"We ordered our usual dishes, which we get twice a week, but both had meat in them (which we do not eat). We tried calling the restaurant but there was no answer, so we assumed they were closed. We ended up throwing the food away and went hungry for the night after a long 16-hour day. The next day, we called to ask for a refund but were told they would not refund us without returning the product. We explained that we had already thrown the food away as it was garbage day. We also noticed that we had paid more than usual, thinking it was a price increase, but it turned out the higher price was due to the meat. We were disappointed that we paid more for food we couldn't even eat and then were told to bring it back. We have been loyal customers for over 7 years, ordering the same thing for the past 5 years, but after this experience, we have decided not to give them our business anymore. It's disappointing that businesses do not stand behind their products like they used to."