"I put an order to pick up. I went to an empty restaurant. I told you to pick up my fish sandwich. They pointed to the side of the counter and said, You? I took it up and started going to the register. One of the girls shot me? Did you pay for it? I said: No, I put my order on the phone and now? We have to give it to you.? Did you say that? T. In fact, nobody moved when I came in. I guess too close to the closing time. Or, if you say back to someone to go to get their own food from the counter, then you shouldn't do it on them. The terrible people behind the counter (all of you), I hope you? less than a minimum wage Because you are? re worthwhile. I've always eaten here. Not anymore. By the way, the fish sandwich is terrible and their fries are just high. Should I? ve just threw my money into the garbage. Because that's exactly what happened to the food."