"The stars I gave is on account of the service I received. I ordered a medium pizza last night (Thurs. Sept. 2, 2021). I left my phone number and apartment buzzer number with my order. I waited and waited for it to arrive. Thirty minutes past when it was supposed to I tried calling the restaurant, but it had closed in the meantime. I went down to check and the delivery person left it outside, on the floor. No one called me. No one buzzed. My phone was near me and on volume the entire time. It was cold and had been exposed to the elements for who knows how long (possibly up to 30 mins) (good thing a raccoon didn't find it). In the morning, when the restaurant opened I called to speak to the manager. Instead of taking any responsibility (or even expressing regret about the situation), they gave me some story about how the pandemic changed their practices. I get the desire for no-contact delivery (in fact, I want this too), but I don't think the pandemic prevents someone from calling to let me know it's here. In any case, I was very disappointed with the delivery service and with the failure of the manager to take any responsibility."