"Incident Description Bartender in management female with long brown hair on 8/10/2022 late evening. I, as a patron of the bar, was physically attacked by? Customers defending bartenders. Openly firm and aggressively grabbed my neck's back brand un-introduced) and tightly grasped while screaming out of the bar. During this time I tried to order two beers from the bartender. As a bartender, it is your duty to ensure the security of those you serve. Not only did this bartender have had no clue to a customer, but it then has to defend the perpetrator while he himself faced the victim) outside, alone, without phone, etc. and would not justify this decision? that was their favorite and most profitable customers? Doesn't she have one who destroys her name? You have to go. This is not only discriminatory, but also negligent in our efforts to protect and strengthen women. We are only as strong as our whole."