
Mönchengladbach, Tyskland, kjent for sin tekstilindustri, tilbyr tradisjonell rheinmat, inkludert robuste retter som Sauerbraten og rheinmuslinger.

Mokka Catering

Mokka Catering

Stephanstraße 1, 41061 Mönchengladbach, Deutschland, Germany

Coffee • Seafood • European • Fast Food

"Das Mokka in Mönchengladbach befindet sich in einer kleinen ruhigen Seitenstraße der Hindenburgstraße, die ihrerseits die größte beziehungsweise längste Einkaufsstraße in Mönchengladbach ist. Seit mehr als zehn Jahren gibt es das Mokka scho, im Sommer kann man auf der großen Terrasse mit Holzmöbeln sitzen, im Winter nur drinnen. Das Mokka ist wie ein typisches Kaffeehaus eingerichtet in dunklen Möbeln, allerdings mit einem modernen Lounge Charme. Eigentlich kann ich zu jeder Tageszeit empfehlens, ins Mokka zu gehen, obwohl es mittags aufgrund des großen Ansturms auf den Mittagstisch oft zu längeren Wartezeiten kommen kann, schließlich bietet das Mokka jeden Tag zwei frisch gekochte Mittagsgerichte: ein fleischloses beziehungsweise vegetarisches und eines mit Fleisch oder Fisch zu einem günstigen Preis an (meist um die 5 Euro) Zunächst aber zum Frühstück. Morgens bietet die Frühstückskarte eine gute Auswahl an verschiedenen Frühstücken, besonders gerne esse ich Pauls Frühstück ein Frühstück mit Eiern, zwei verschiedenen Brötchen, mit Nutella, Eiern Käse und frischer gebackener Putenbrust, die ich besonders gerne mag. Für knapp fünf Euro wird man davon sehr wohl satt, allerdings gilt es zu bedenken, dass die Getränke nicht im Frühstück enthalten sind und somit zusätzlich bezahlt werden müssen. Auch nachmittags kann ich das Mokka zum Kaffeetrinken empfehlen, besonders gerne esse ich denn Schokoladenkuchen mit flüssigem Kern, der je nach Saison mit frischem selbst gemachten Eis, Sahne und verschiedenen Sorten an Früchten serviert wird. Ein besonderes Geschmackserlebnis, in das es sich auch lohnt, knapp fünf Euro zu investieren. Abends kann man aus der normalen Karte essen, es gibt eine Karte mit Saisonalen Spezialitäten, und einen Klassikerbereich. Im Bereich der Frühstück findet man jeweils regionale mediterrane Speisen, seien es Fischgerichte, Spargel Gerichte oder Ähnliche, zumeist ab 6 Euro. In der Klassiker Karte finden sich die Lieblingsgerichte wieder, hier gibt es unter anderem Schnitzel mit Bratkartoffeln (knapp 8 Euro) Penne Bolognese (knapp 8 Euro) oder verschiedene Salate. Wichtig zu wissen ist aber auch, dass es im Mokka keine Pommes gibt. Trotzdem kommen auch Kinder auf ihre Kosten, da es seit kurzem eine Kinderkarte gibt. Das Mokkaa liegt zum Preisniveau im Durchschnitt Gladbachs, bietet allerdings ein sehr gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis, da immer mit frischen Speisen gekocht wird, was ab und zu auch dazu führt, dass einige Speisen nicht vorrätig sind. Ich kann das Mokka sowohl zum Frühstück, Mittag- oder Abend essen oder einfach nur gemütlichen Kaffeeklatsch bei Cocktail trinken empfehlen."

Brauerei zum Stefanus

Brauerei zum Stefanus

Mennrath 59, 41179 Monchengladbach, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Mönchengladbach

Pubs • Steak • German • Diners

"the ambiente in the brewhouse stefanus corresponds to the name. The thema brewhouse is consistently also drawn through in the decoration and decor. some people may seem to be overloaded, but in a house that has been hosting since 1908, a lot of “old things” are gathering, for which some museum would be grateful. the deck is covered by hoppe garlands, brewing boilers stand in the gastronomy, the walls are decorated with signs, beer jars and beer bottles. even the three (modern pictures are matched to the beer: hopping, gerste and water. in my eyes a rustic, original and the name of the house absolutely appropriate facility, we felt very comfortable. parking is available next to the house in front of the beer garden, however, are slightly dimensioned for the size of the house so that it can be necessary for a full house to look for a place on the road. the input has three small stages, but these are to be mastered. inside then everything is flattering, even the toilets. the service has thrilled me! Already at the time we were very kindly greeted by the counter staff and asked to wait for the chef as he takes over the reservations. Shortly later he was with us, greeted us and the other guests (even with names and the service power instructed the two tables. the chef made it all “from the head” without any support, without any notices later then respecting the order! the servicedame then brought us to the reserved table, offered us the menus and frug whether there is already a drink desire. the drinks were immediately accepted and served quickly. the attention to the drinks was then also exemplary throughout the evening and was taken over exclusively by the two female service workers. we ordered for the first three wine and a water. Here, however, there is a critique point that wept neither to me nor to our companions. it has a very own taste to express it like that. I also did not drink something similar in franken, to which the brewer refers. for this the bright then very appealing and sinful, you will stay with it! The prices for the three offered beer varieties are by the way, 0.25 ltr. 2,20 € and half 4,40 €. good, is not exactly the cheapest for beer, but suitable for the offered. the somewhat long waiting period for eating is probably due to the organization, but still within the frame. the ordering and serving of the food was made by the chef himself and apparently only then placed in the kitchen in a table when a table had been served. Therefore, the tables were always served completely and at the same time, no matter how large the respective company was. so no hectic comes into the kitchen and the service. I have not seen in this perfection so yet (the local was full! . as dined were chosen by us: dahlene fitness plate (sweetened steak with crimped butter, crimson square, beilagens, baguette at 12,80 € brauhaussülze (with brauhauskartoffeln, speck and wobbles, beilagens pork the fitness plate is probably called because after that a round in the appropriate institution is said; but has tasted very well. the brewhouses, well seasoned and very abundantly filled, little gelatine. the malt master plate, butter tsartes triggered haxen meat with shiny sauce and in the extra peel served thick beans with abundant speck. the Rhenish sour roast three finger thickness discs (from the young bark not from the horse as he should be, slightly sweet sour with rusty in the sauce, two loose pale, likewise in separate peel served piecey apfelcomote and very mild and soemy apfel redwort. who reads in the menu “Brauhauskartöffelchen” and now bratkartoffeln is expected to be disappointed, behind this name hides itself in the bratpfanne warmed and thus with light browning provided kartoffels! the question put in order for smaller portions was removed with the note if they can not create everything they have a peel and take the rest, there are no smaller portions. now, the result: from our table rest went back from which you could easily have made two more portions – everything into the expensive rest disposal. the attention of the service was also given here all the time, you were asked if everything was in order, whether what would be missing, simply professional as it should be! to the conclusion were also offered and explained (they are not in the card . nothing negative can be reported also about the cleanliness. certainly, the local has already some years on the buckel and here and there could be something refurbished or renewed (toilets e.g. , but it's all clean. because we could see that the house is doing a lot is already in order, everything at once does not go into this industry. prices are actually unbeatable in consideration of the quality offered, fresh and quantity of food, accompanied by a fast, professional and friendly service, for that my high consideration."