"I will say this is kind of a sketchy pub bar, on the bar you can find a few pool table and a stage, so I imagine on some night they have some lived band or karaoke.The bad of this bar is that you allow smoking inside so you will end smelling like coming out from a casino or a gentlemen club.After one of my friends told me that he order a delivery once from this place and he was very satisfied with the big croquette I gave then changes.A croquette is normally a small breadcrumbed fried food roll containing, usually as main ingredients, ground meat, shellfish, fish, ham, cheese, mashed potatoes or vegetables, and mixed with béchamel or brown, but in this restaurant they have pretty bigs and also they are chicken one, they come with two sides with came wonderfully, they taste is very unique and delicious I totally recommend his for a mind course.The staff are very nice and will give you a good recommendation."