"In a city not known for good restaurants nor dining destinations where fine food is delivered alongside the city’s often very high prices, here in a genuinely charming ‘Swiss Modern’ interior, this recently remodelled old hospitality stalwart’s dining room sets high the bar for F B excellence. It also is refreshing to find professional friendliness wait service another hallmark of their operation. Granted it’s Autumn, with the supposed ’high season’ now passed, that might account somewhat for the sparse patronage we witnessed the night we so much enjoyed out splendid dinner but it upsets me though, that places no less expensive not nearly as comfortable nor delivering such great kitchen work are packed ! The Krone restaurant doesn’t front a main thoroughfare it’s possible to miss the signboards out front.. but we were most pleasantly surprised at the quality, freshness delicious food we ate at reasonable prices! In Switzerland! Highly recommended."