"If you are informed about the Palée restaurant, you will find reviews with an average of 4.63 stars on the well-known restaurant pages. With data from Google, Tripadvisor and Facebook we want to reproduce a comprehensive picture of the kitchen. 83 guests have given the company an average rating of 4.5 stars from 5 on Google. On Facebook it gets on average 4.9 out of possible 5 points. The reviews on Tripadvisor are as follows: 4.5 out of 5 points for the kitchen 4.5 points of 5 for quality 4.5 points of 5 for service 4.5 points of 5 for the overall assessment With a total rating of 4.63 stars, it is clearly above the average rating of all other restaurants in Borkum, which is 4.17. This review overview, created by the team of restaurant.info, was created after an analysis of over 165 guest reviews. This data was collected by January 2021."