"I received a response from my last post of Rally's. Thank you for that. That tells me you care. Know this, anything I say is not a reflection of your food, or its quality. It is painfully obvious that the people that work there have no desire to be there. It's not just your establishment though, to be honest. The company I work for keeps me traveling, 15 states in the last 3 months. The I don't wanna be here attitude is everywhere, I find it very odd. Customer service seems to be gone. Everyone wants to get paid, but has no desire to actually earn it. Strange times we live in. I apologize for any misunderstanding, Rally's food stacks up against any fast food out there, in many ways better, and you can not be blamed for the lack of customer service. You can't be everywhere. So, again, thank you for your response. Peace be onto you and yours."