"Tahlequah OK Bandito White truffle Dip: sour cream, mayonnaise, milk, blue cheese, razor white truffles, shallot, white pepper and salt, in a food processor or mixer! Cooled and served! El Chico Closed in a suit to ask El Toro to remain open. El Chico belonged to a real immigrants from Mexico City! He occupied real chefs and culinary graduates over the years and delivered his own meat from his own farm in oktaha and never used the whale mart on the street or canned beans that I ate at banditos, they closed in 2002 due to a bug attack! I lived in Tahlequah for three years! A Bunch of Creek Cherokee Posierer own Hamlins! I'm not a Mexican, but I grew up on the heart of the earth! Your Enchiladas taste like Banquet Frozen section Mexican! I haven't eaten there since 2018, trust me! I am a culinary graduate who met a very excellent full **** Mexican man as a child called ponchito palaise, he created the choir, his restaurant Ponchos is average now!"