"the children who work on the dairy queen on addison are an excellent example of why it is important to stay in school and maybe stop playing video games. the young who passes through the journey could not understand any sets and react with an intelligent answer. I asked him three times if the reese on the menu were reese peanut butter or pieces and he told me three times, they were buttercups, then I confirmed, “so they are not reese pieces right?” he replied: “They are reese pieces.” after a confusing ordering process with other hiccups, I was pulled up and gave him a gift. he told me there was $4.55 on the card, I gave him the permission to use it, then he swore it and told me that it was rejected because there was no jelly on the card. After I went back and forth, I asked him how that was possible, because he told me there was $4.55 on the card. I asked him: “So did you already use the medium for it?” he replied, “Yes”. ok, go on. they began to bring out our bloomings, 1st and 2nd bloomings were correct. 3. blizzard should be a small rather than a mini so they begin to make the right size. 4. blizzard should be a chocolate covered strawberry, they brought chocolate covered cherry. I ask them to make the chocolate with strawberry, and I moved to the side to let the long line of cars go up. my 12-year-old sat and giggled after every single confusing situation one by one. not sure that I will visit this queen again."