"Sometimes you had one of those days, and you just need something to go right. For me there is something comfort food and a hug of a sweet waitress. It's not like me 't appreciate surprise and adventure, but consistency and reliability is less trouble. Some days I'm just longing and I'm going to the Fiesta Patio. I don't have to think about what to order, not really need a menu, I'll get the dish with an additional enchilada and an icy tea. In fact, I don't really have to ask for anything unless I want something else. If I feel wild and crazy, I can get the soup just to keep them on their toes. I don't feel like my mother used to say "to eat greasy Mexican again". So Fiesta Patio gets a 4.5 of me. My highest rating since the 1-5 system. I have decided that I should reserve a perfect 5-point score for a time when I get the Heimlich from a blond waitress, possibly at Hooters."