"Six stars! I absolutelyley LOVE Mt. Fuji! I'm going to all the special ocassions! It's so good. Mt. Fuji is always a long wait (not surprised). But it's because Eveyone goes there for the ingenious food! But if you wait, it's not that bad. You go to this room and order a drink at the bar. There are probably over 80 chairs in the waiting room. But it's great to relax and just wait for your food. And in the nights (VERY LATE) the dance floor opens. (The dance floor is in the waiting room). But when children go there with their parents, they are more welcome to go on the dance floor, no matter what! But the lights shine or something. Okay, if you live in Oakland, New Jersey, there are probably about 25-30 minutes. If you live in Wayne, New Jersey is probably 35 minutes drive. But if you live in Franklin Lakes, the ride is 20 minutes. I live in Oakland New Jersey and I have to drive 25-30 (as shown below)"