"We got takeout on the way home Friday night. We were ravenous, so we started on the yuca frites on the drive home. Such a lovely, crunchy crispy texture, nicely seasoned, and very satisfying. If you put me in a corner with a bucket of them, you'd keep me happy for hours. I thought I'd be sad when they were gone, but! we were home and it was arepa time. Delicious fresh ingredients in the vegetarian arepa! Creamy avocado and feta, juicy tomatoes, young spinach leaves, with little pieces of heart of palm mixed in. The arepa by itself was a nice texture and delicious flavor; I'd happily eat one plain. And then I finished the wonderfully delicious arepa, and was sad it was gone. But then... I pulled out the tres leches cake! And it was perfection! Sweet, creamy and spongy, covered with a layer of whipped cream. I savored this as slowly as I could with three nosy cats trying to steal it from me. I'd say I was sad it was gone, but I was full and happy, and definitely want to have an excuse to go there again asap."